
The one thing that sucks about the CG industry is you always have friends that worked in movies like Stealth and you have to go see it with them. In my case a thursday night 12.01am showing. Rotten tomatoes gave the movie a whopping 17% rotten rating at the moment and other reviews will probably lower that to %5 or so. But who needs reviews when you have the only warning you need printed clearly on the poster for all to see:
"From the director of XXX and Fast and the Furious"
XXX especially holds a dear place in my heart for its ingenious use of a sony handycam spray painted green and a tube attached to it as "heat seeking missile" , standart firearm for the prague police. They had this closeup shot where you can see clearly the rewind , ffw and play buttons. Makes me wonder where the 120 mil $ budget went to.
Anyway , I am taking one for the team and seeing stealth today , in the unlikely event of it being good , i'll write up a short review.